Monday, March 29, 2010

Now a few short observations about those in the news.

Anne Coulter: Why??? what is the attraction to a person who spews nothing but constant negatives, hatred, and bigotry. She should be free to express this vile garbage. I would be more interested in knowing who actually wants to hear this stuff and to ask ..... WHY???????

Steven Harper.... so, if it is anti-American to oppose George Bush' style aid to families. My question is; is our gun law, not having the death penalty, setting the drinking age at 19, the parliamentary system, hockey supremacy, not fighting in Iraq and Viet Nam, multi-culturalism, allowing Canadians to visit Cuba, not having Nuclear weapons on Canadian soil, etc. etc. anti- American. Perhaps merely being Canadian is anti-American. Who new??

The Pope and the Catholic Church. I can think of nothing more to say than they both arte the purest example of hypocrasy I have ever seen. Amen!!!

Sarah Palen. Proof "ignorance is bliss"

See ya.


  1. Hypocrisy and Palin. Other than all that, I concur, keep that hits coming.

  2. Anne Coulter, like Beck and O'Reilly are what pass for humor and entertainment on the right. The fact that they fail to make folks laugh is further proof of the ineptness of their movement.

    Harper is a political opportunist. A minority PM, who governs as he wills, because he has a neutered opposition.

    Any pope that can strike fear into Satan himself can not be trusted. Do we really wanna get into the psychology of forced celibacy...??? YA I didn't think so.

    Palin, is Reagan in a skirt. The Gippette.
